Blank smile.

Imagine a world where time is discontinuous.

Time stops. Time starts again. Stops. Starts.

In this world a young man and woman , in their late twenties. He loves her desperately, but he has already been crushed by a woman who left him without warning, and he is frightened of love. He must be sure with this woman. He studied her face, pleads silently for her true feelings, searches for the smallest sign, the slightest movement of her brow, the vaguest reddening of her cheeks, the moistness of her eyes.
In truth, she loves him back, but she can not put her love in words. Instead, she smiles at him, unaware of his fear. As they stand beneath the street lamp, time stops and restarts. Afterwards, the tilt of their heads is precisely the same, the cycle of their heartbeats show no alternation. But somewhere pools of the woman`s mind, a dim thought has appeared that was not there before. The young woman reaches for his new thought, into her unconscious, and as she does so a gossamer vacancy crosses her smile. This slight hesitation would be invisible to any but the closest scrutiny, yet the urgent young man has noticed it and taken it for his sign.

He tells the young woman that he can not see her again.

(Einstein`s dreams)
