Autobiography of a skeleton

You have not offered me consolation, mean consolation, you`ve only said in the mode of your humming stillness,
"Take this-this vast country, this vast solitude, this seeded land, lonely hand and drunkenness of insomnia" in exchange for my desires.
Still I survive.
You ditched me only to whet my manhood
jilted me only to rekindle my thirst.
willingly you had once allowed yourself to be caught
And today you challenge me to conquer you
and win you, ageless woman!
Today I stand before you with my skeleton.
And as I have no other weapons but words, no other soldiers but song, so honing the steel of speech, I have shaped today this song-
"Come back.
Give me dreams, nightmares, a poet`s loneliness,
but dont give me sleep, no sleep please!
Let me live within you.
disperse myself in your brown eyes.
pulse with the breathing of stars."

(the same photo one taken with flash light, another in day-light.)

Buddhdeb Guha, modified
