Rib-bit Rib-bit

"No body knows where he hides/nobody`s seen him at home/ but we hear him all the time/ Rib-bit Rib-bit Little Frog."
Daughter, dear, my tongue, hurts and I can`t say rib-bit rib-bit even if I could, you could not hear me.
This little poem soothed you when you cried; you went to sleep listening to it. I have repeated it for
 whole day but I could not sleep.
....But when they come for me.....to kill me next time....no please don`t come.....I am not an animal....
don`t make me believe I am an animal......but thats not my scream....thats an animal`s scream.
Leave my body in a peace. I am a little frog for my daughter to play with....she will soon be
 two years old and she will learn the whole poem....
We all hear him/ rib-bit rib bit when it rains.....rib-bit rib-bit.

***Rib-bit rib-bit Little Frog/ El-Sapito Glo-glo-glo is a popular children`s poem in 
This is an experience in a concentration camp in Argentina, Alicia Partnoy`s The Little School.
