Harmony and life

Everything in world are connected. We are connected to the nature as a part of whole. Sometimes we just fail to observe nature`s muted expressions. The other day I spotted a bird it is singing something like this:

Chee Chew Chee Chew Chee
Chew Cheer Cheer Cheer
Chew Chew Chew Chee....

(John Clare, 1832 after observing a nightingale wrote down this note)

One just fail to notice how many qualities that define human music are here in the songs of birds: rhythm, structure, pattern, repetition and variation.

You are feeling sad, lonely. Just go out to the nature. Appreciate how much they are offering to you. Get connected to nature.

Watch Louie Schwartzberg`s work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXDMoiEkyuQ&feature=share

Want to learn more about a mystery of birds song: read "Why birds sing" by David Rothenberg.
