
I am a big admirer of patterns. Patterns amaze me, patterns confound me, patterns inspire me.  I can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, years….just appreciating patterns, trying to demystify patterns. 

 Everyone more or less regulated by patterns. Graphite (soft, black, looks like dirt and worth the same) or diamond (hard, transparent, and ridiculously overvalued) both are pure forms of carbon but its the arrangement of atoms in the molecular level (read patterns) make such a prejudice. (I am sure no man appreciates that.)

Take snowflake shape or hexagonal cells of honeycomb, the multicolored arc of rainbow, the spiral of a snail shell, the stripes of a tiger, the arrangement of stars in night sky, ripple of water in a pond when a stone disturbed its equilibrium, the pattern from the feud between light and its impeder and so many more your mental eye can observe.

I experience this wonders hoping to learn why they are like this. We know some but we don't know many. Tomorrow again I will wake up learning how to detect patterns, how to understand patterns, how to analyze patterns, how to use patterns and how to find new patterns.

What patterns perplexed you today?


Hi Koushik...I also sometimes like to admire them and wonder about them, its really great...but i guess from the couple of days, I'm more perplexed about the pattern of life...about its twists and turns...and frankly speaking, I'm not able to come out of it and also not able to understand it completely even after giving lots of efforts...

nice read... :) :) :)