Together over a sunset

Two of them sit before it, side by side.
With all their body and mind-eyes intent, words silenced, all agitation stilled-
they absorb the message of the sky.

Once they have started their journey together,-
their hearts aflutter with ineffable joy.
They take the mantra "we will never give up, we will overcome all the odds."

Now her shoulder is on his shoulder.
They become the part of the universe with a soul perfect, unhindered, unconflicting, free from doubts and fears.

They sit together silently gazing at the distant sky.
They do not know why their eyes well up with tears. Deep in their thought are lodged ideas beyond thought`s language.

 Have they begin to realize how few are the words that tell the depth of their love, in the great and mysterious epic of this vast world?

Painting by Goutam, Salt Lake City, Utah
