The power of disappearance

"this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE."
As Bilbo stepped down  he slipped the magic ring on his finger and vanished.

The power of disappearance is always fascinating. Is n`t it? Like Bilbo, the hobbit, you slip a ring in your finger and disappear. Every mind, once in a while, desire to decamp from mundane, everyday world & satiate their unfulfilled dreams. We are enchanted by the power of disappearance, yet, we are distraught with the thought of death and separateness. We try to bring them back in our life. We call it memory.

Suddenly the power of disappearance is not so thrilling as it seems in the first appearance. You need to bring yourself back. It needs to be phoenixed by the power of  reappearance. Name it memory, resurrection or the prestige (the arduous  magic trick).


Unknown said…
wow! well written (y)
Unknown said…
wow!! well written (y)